Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Who Is The Omega Tutors?

Who Is The Omega Tutors?Omega has been known to be a successful brand in the field of tutoring for many years. They have successfully conquered the market place and have even outsold many of the other tutoring companies in the industry. In fact, in spite of being such a popular brand, there are still many people who don't really know much about it. This is because the brand has now become famous beyond the tutoring sector and has even started to gain its own brand value.The reason behind the brand's success lies in its positioning. In comparison to the other tutoring brands, Omega has a more grounded positioning and is not perceived as being a flashy product that advertises its brand value too much. However, this brand value is not viewed as being tangible in the sense that they won't sell to students who have not been exposed to the brand. This type of positioning is quite the opposite from many of the other tutoring brands and the reason for this is because the brand has now become the symbol of professionalism and elegance in the tutoring sector.Some of the students who have a more casual attitude towards education may be the ones who would have an inclination towards Omega tutoring. On the other hand, there are also some students who have a more serious attitude towards tutoring. Those people would look up to Omega tutoring as their brand in order to complete their education with more excellence.However, it must be pointed out that not all the tutors are necessarily affiliated with Omega tutoring. For example, not all the tutors who are associated with this brand are competent enough to truly impress their clients. As such, while they will show excellent qualities, this does not necessarily mean that their clients will choose them over the tutors who are affiliated with Omega.When it comes to high school students, there are those who are willing to pay more for the services of tutors affiliated with Omega, because the brand has already established its posit ion in the education sector. Meanwhile, there are also other students who are not willing to pay as much for their tutors in the first place.Even though it is obvious that the brand has already established itself with high school students, there are also many high school students who are equally impressed by the tutors that are affiliated with Omega. However, there are those students who are willing to pay the price because they feel that they would only benefit from the services of these tutors.In fact, since this brand has now gained so much prominence in the education sector, it is certain that it would soon gain the reputation of being a brand that all the high school students would be proud to endorse. Nevertheless, it would only be in the future that the high school students would actually notice that their tutors are affiliated with Omega.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Vergonha de falar em Inglês Não faça parte desse clube!

Vergonha de falar em Inglês Não faça parte desse clube! Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netFalar em Inglês, mesmo para quem tem anos de estudo da língua, pode ser um desafio. Existem vícios de linguagem e erros recorrentes que não são ultrapassados de uma hora para outra, sem falar que estudar um idioma sem dar a devida atenção à prática leva a que a fluência em uma conversa seja fortemente prejudicada.Digo isto porque estudo e trabalho com Inglês há anos, mas nem sempre me senti à vontade falando o idioma. Muitas vezes cometi erros crassos provenientes da falta de prática, que levaram a que o meu discurso fosse mais complexo do que precisava ser ou que a mensagem que queria passar fosse alterada pelo uso incorreto de um verbo, por exemplo. Para mim, o cenário só se alterou e a vergonha só desapareceu quando comecei a ter um contato mais elaborado com o Inglês, quando comecei a falar regularmente com nativos ou outros estrangeiros, cuja a primeira língua também não era o Inglês, é que p assei a ter maior consciência da verdadeira importância de conversar, mesmo que sobre assuntos triviais, no idioma que estamos aprendendo.Claro que diversos cursos tradicionais apresentam o seu currículo como tendo componente de conversação. No entanto, dentro de um ambiente controlado, com vários alunos e sem tempo suficiente para deixar cada pessoa desenvolver as suas habilidades conversacionais de forma livre, como é possível ter um bom nível oral de Inglês? De fato é complicado, já que apenas a prática capacita o estudante e faz com que ele tenha autoconfiança suficiente para falar naturalmente em outro idioma. Não tendo tempo para desenvolver confiança e perder a vergonha, muitas pessoas se tornam excelentes em gramática, mas não tão boas na oralidade.Daí que muitos dos alunos da LOI English sejam pessoas com um bom nível de Inglês, mas que, por diversos motivos, perderam contato com o Inglês ou não tiveram oportunidade de desenvolver o seu conhecimento da língua de forma plena, com a atenção adequada para a produção e compreensão oral, bem como para a produção e compreensão do idioma escrito. Porém, a LOI também tem muitos alunos que estão em um nível inicial, o que demonstra invariavelmente a versatilidade deste tipo de aprendizado, que pode ajudar a que os estudantes construam bases sólidas de conhecimento desde o início do estudo da língua.Se você, tal como eu, acredita que a prática é a única forma de realmente aprender, se sentir confortável e perder a vergonha de falar em Inglês, experimente uma aula demonstrativa grátis e descubra como o seu conhecimento pode ser amplamente aprimorado com sessões individuais através do Skype, sem sequer ter que sair de casa para conversar com falantes nativos.

Orange County AP Tutor 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams

Orange County AP Tutor 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams Advanced placement exams are just around the corner, and many high school students are feeling anxious about how well they will score on test day. One of the most important things students can do is prepare for the exam well in advance. Of course, students will have taken the AP class all year long, and their teacher will have gone over a lot of the elements of the exam with them already, but students should definitely take the time to work on test preparation on their own so they can conquer their AP exams and, hopefully, get a score of 3 or higher and get college credit as well as have a great transcript to send to the admissions committees. 1.   Working within a time crunch Its not that much longer until AP exams, so students are encouraged to use the remaining time to focus on their studies really. Some students will have been practicing since the beginning of the school year, but many students will just be starting their test prep now. Working within this limited timeframe means students should accelerate their timeline of study and also prioritize what is most important. Maybe they need to memorize math formulas or work on reading comprehension. Perhaps they need to improve their writing skills or learn how to organize their thoughts in an outline.   Whatever students need to do, theres no time like the present when it comes to test prep this spring. 2.   Focus on clarity in writing More often than not students can sit down and write a clear and concise passage when they have all the time in the world, but when the clock is ticking, they often start to ramble or go off on a tangent that makes their writing unclear to the reader. Students should do a series of drills that encourage them to write quickly yet clearly within a short amount of time, so they get used to the situation and also have time to make any improvements in their writing if needed. 3.   Review important facts and figures Depending on what AP course the student is enrolled in they will likely have to review a lot of important facts and figures. Advanced placement courses that involve history or math often require students to memorize a lot of things before they can do well on the exam. Also, this is a lot of information for a student to carry in their head throughout the year. Whether a student uses flashcards, takes notes, or has a tutor quiz them on a regular basis, its just important they know their stuff on test day (READ: 5 Ways to Start Prepping for AP Exams). 4.   Get plenty of sleep Most students get into the bad habit of staying up late to cram for their AP exams. Unfortunately, this type of study is not helpful for two reasons: students dont remember much of what they do when theyre tired, and they may fatigue themselves to the point that they cant remember things that would normally be easy. Students should get a full eight hours of sleep, or even more, lead up to the days of the AP exams. Things often seem clear and are easier to deal with after a good night’s sleep, and students who get enough sleep tend to be less stressed out and worried about the college application process overall. 5.   Stay organized During advanced placement prep students also need to stay highly organized. Its so easy to forget a tutoring or study group session, forget an important deadline, or fail to remember a particular topic that a student needed to review. Excellent organization is one of the best ways high school students can conquer their AP exams because it forces them to look at the big picture and think about how much time they realistically have to meet their goals. If a student needs help getting or staying organized they’re encouraged to work with a tutor or parent to achieve success up until the big day. Its not too late to book your private Orange County AP tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School

5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School Applying to Graduate School? 5 Things to Consider Applying to Graduate School? 5 Things to Consider Although many students have put off applying to graduate school in this past decade due to a dwindling economy and decreased ability to achieve low interest student loans, many students are now thinking about how a graduate degree could significantly increase their career potential. Whether a student is considering applying to graduate school directly after finishing an undergraduate program or a few years after they’ve been in the field, there are a few things to think about during the application process. 1 Will you be applying for an assistant position (TA or RA)? Working as a TA (teacher’s assistant) or an RA (research assistant) can provide a great deal of financial support for students paying their way through a graduate program. However, these particular jobs are often hard to obtain and are a significant time commitment. They will probably take up as much time as a part-time job but will provide a grad student with valuable experience in the field and countless networking abilities. If an applicant feels they will only have a successful academic experience if they work as a TA, they should brainstorm for other options due to the highly competitive nature of this position (READ: Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Ways to Transition Back to College). 2 Will you be attending school full-time or part-time? Some students will be able to quit their jobs and attend graduate school full-time while others will need to work at least 20 hours per week to make ends meet. Other still will continue in their full-time position in their field and attend graduate school in the evening or through a remote education program. It’s important for potential students to speak with an admissions counselor to see if they will be able to successfully attend the program part-time or if that is even an option. On the other hand, students who wish to study full-time should make a financial plan in order to pay for their full-time studies. 3 Will the school you’re applying to provide financial assistance in the form of work exchange or scholarships? Some graduate programs provide financial assistance in any number of ways. It’s important for applicants to think about whether or not they will be able to obtain a scholarship or part-time job on campus to help finance their studies. Additionally, students are smart to do some research and find out what their chances are of receiving a scholarship. For example, if 1 student out of 10 receives financial assistance, that’s not too bad. However, if 1 out of 100 students receive financial aid, it’s not looking good. 4 Will the school be paying you to get a degree or will you be paying the school? Some schools will actually pay graduate students a salary to study for their degree. This is generally found in the sciences but may exist anywhere depending on the university. In this case, graduate school becomes very attractive and may include subsidized housing, a living salary, and excellent work experience in exchange for help on various research projects. On the other hand, the majority of students will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars per year to obtain their degree (READ: What to Consider if You Plan on Going to Grad School). 5 Are you seeking a degree for personal enrichment or to improve a career path? Some students attend graduate school primarily for personal enrichment. If this is the case they should think about the time commitment and finances required to obtain such a degree without potential career gain. Of course, each student is in a different situation and the opportunity to study for personal enrichment can be a fantastic one. Alternatively, if the student is attending graduate school primarily to advance their career, they are encouraged to determine if their specific degree program will be lucrative in their chosen field. In short Although there are many excellent reasons to pursue a graduate degree, students are encouraged to think through what their academic experience will be like and how it will mix with their current lifestyle and responsibilities. A student attending graduate school at 22 will likely have a different experience than someone applying at 32 or 42 . Because the pursuit of a graduate degree is a huge financial and time commitment, it’s important to think through exactly what a student would like to achieve from this type of program. Dont apply to grad school without the help of an Orange County College Admissions Tutor! Call us today for details. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write. Orange County Tutoring Services641 Wald Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 United StatesPhone: 949-510-9361Email:

How does technology help kids - ALOHA Mind Math

How does technology help kids Children of the present time are well aware of all the technology around them, and are very quick learners when they need to figure out how to play that new game. Is there a way that we can use this enthusiasm in a structured way, so that along with gaming, they can also learn something along the way? It used to be “a child with a new toy”, now it could probably be edited to “a child with a new gadget/game”! Along with parents getting the latest devices on the market, the kids too are keeping up with all the new interfaces and games available. Though I would not advise their online or gadget time to be completely about concepts and learning, as that would make it a bit less approachable for the child, I am all in favour of inserting some hints even into the playing of the game that keeps it fun as well as makes it educational for the child. For e.g. while playing that eternal favorite Angry Birds, if the child were to start thinking about the trajectory and how it impacts the results, he would get better at the game as well as learn something. Teachers and educators who form the educational leadership the world over have taken to technology for supporting learning. While at school too, there are many learning aids that are becoming prevalent from smart boards to using the internet which are taking education to the next level. Educators need to make a detailed plan for teaching and learning with technology to keep our children and our education system relevant and current. Most young children already know that information in books, that could sometime become dated, is available in a much more updated and easily accessible form on the internet. It is of great use for assignments and to get ideas for creative projects when they need them. This does not necessarily mean that we leave computers or iPads to be the babysitters, and leave it all to technology. We as parents and teachers, should never feel threatened by technology, and instead need to provide that invaluable regulation and the human aspect to learning too. It is only then that the child can learn to appreciate the ways in which technology can be used in a focused manner, and not just get addicted to information for the sake of it.

Thanksgiving Study Catch-Up Time - TutorNerds

Thanksgiving Study Catch-Up Time - TutorNerds Catch-Up on Your Studies This Thanksgiving The Thanksgiving holiday is an opportunity to rest and relax as well as spend time with family and friends. However, some students who are in their college application process need some of this time to catch up on important materials. Some students will have the entire week off, while some school districts only offer Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as a holiday (READ: 7 Tips For Studying While Traveling). Students sometimes find themselves staying up late, cramming the night before a big exam, or frantically writing papers just before they are due. Many students find that they can use the Thanksgiving holiday to get caught up. Here are the top five ways to get caught up over Thanksgiving without giving up valued family time: One â€" Create an outline Students who are either juniors or seniors have probably already made a study outline at the beginning of the school year, however, now that the school year is nearly half over, many students find that they have veered away from their timeline or have forgotten it altogether. Students can take one hour out of their holiday and create an outline for success that will tell them which days they need to study which subjects. Just 60 minutes of organization can be very helpful when students return to school the Monday after Thanksgiving. Two â€" Work on test prep Seniors have already had their last chance to take their SAT or ACT prior to sending in college applications, however, many juniors are taking the ACT or the SAT in December or February. This week may be a good time to spend a few hours reviewing test prep with your Orange County private tutor. For students who have the entire week off, spending three or four hours on Monday or Tuesday can be very beneficial. For example, Monday would be a good time to take an entire full length practice test and email your tutor your practice score (READ: Cracking the ACT Science Section). Most students dont have time to do a full length test during the week but its important for the tutor to have a practice score to help expedite their students’ progress. Students who dont have the entire week off may consider doing a couple of sections instead of an entire test. Students with less time should consider doing one of each section and adding the scores up to get a possible composite. Three â€" Get organized for AP exams Although it doesnt seem like it, the May AP exams are not that far away. AP students are well into their classes at this point and should have an idea of how difficult the material is. Students who are on the trimester system will also be getting their second trimester grade very soon. It is a good idea for students to use the Thanksgiving holiday to buy test prep books as it only takes a few minutes to order them online and have them delivered to their homes. If students order the books now, they will have a chance to go over a few of the practice prompts or practice exams prior to going back to school. Students who are taking AP classes without the assistance of a tutor should assess whether or not they can still do this all the way until May. If its necessary to call a tutor, theres still plenty of time to arrange for a January study session. Four â€" Work on extracurricular activities Juniors and seniors who are short on volunteer hours needed for graduation can spend some of this time volunteering (READ: Extra Curricular Activities For Your College Resume). Almost every charitable organization needs help serving food to families in need on Thanksgiving Day. There are also charitable organizations that need help throughout the end of December and so its a good time to spend an hour or two doing an Internet search on or another reputable volunteer website. Five â€" Rest is also important Some students may find that the best thing they can do to enhance the quality of their schoolwork is to simply rest and relax. Many college prep students spend an insane amount of hours per week preparing for college and simply need a break.   If this sounds familiar, just enjoy the week. Take the five or seven days and use it to recharge. Get eight or nine hours of sleep and, if you live in California, enjoy the outdoors. Eat three regular, healthy meals per day and get some exercise. Some students will find that they go back to school on Monday feeling much better about the remainder of the year. Even students who wish they had more of a break can be reassured that the winter holiday is not far away. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Organic Chemistry Reflux - Does It Exist?

Organic Chemistry Reflux - Does It Exist?Organic Chemistry Reflux - does it really exist? I've read some statements on the Internet that it does exist, but nothing backed up by any proof. Therefore, I'm going to look into it.Organic Chemistry Reflux occurs when the food you're eating is not properly digested or broken down by the digestive tract, and so it settles in the esophagus. This is usually with the food being too long in transit to digest properly, and other factors, such as too much hydrogen and/or oxygen being in the food. However, other factors also contribute.Some of the symptoms are sometimes indigestion, and a bad taste. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and/or blood in the stool. Most commonly, the doctor will tell you to avoid this food for a few days. One problem with this is that there are many other foods out there that you probably can eat, as well as there's no way you're going to know what exactly they are.The other problem is that it can become confusing because you might find a food that's been put on the banned list because it causes more problems than it solves. Or it might not be what you thought it was, so you have to keep switching back and forth between ingredients, trying to figure out which one is the real culprit.For this reason, it's often a good idea to get a dietician to advice you on the right food to eat, and you should always be sure that you've made the switch back and forth. If you don't eat the right food, you can experience a lot of discomfort, as well as sometimes serious complications.If you do happen to suffer from this, it may help to think about the overall population at large, as well as all the other foods you've been eating. These are not the only sources of food for you, or even the best source for you.Natural foods are always better for you, as they come from the soil and don't rely on chemical additives. For most people, when they can't eat something, it's usually because of it being bad for them. So, this doesn't mean that you're going to have to get all miserable if you eat organic foods.